
Marilyn Yanke

Dallas and Amarillo Galleries

Today is not the same as yesterday, nor is it the same as tomorrow will be. Yet, there are
threads which hold the fiber of our being together. For me, that thread is rooted in feminine
energy. Archetypes of feminine energy expose the play and counter play of strength and
vulnerability. In the Seed Bearers Series, figural images are played against the reproductive
aspects of plants, where the focus eludes to parallels of existence yet at the same time, where
separation exposes vulnerabilities. In the Co-Exist Series, a duality is presented; an exploration
focusing on the façade, while the inner figures hold space. These illusions are created from
patches or runs of color which allow the mind to wonder through the layers… layers created in
an intuitive manner where there are no rules, there are no formulas, simply a perception of a
place in time.


Born February 2, 1938 in Shattuck, Oklahoma. Spent early years in the plains region of Texas. Graduated with a B.S. with honors in 1964 from the Panhandle State University in Goodwell, Oklahoma. Studied at

the Art Students League in Denver, Colorado from 1987 – 1988.



2024 “Depths of Perception”, Cerulean Gallery, Dallas, TX

2022 “Use Your Illusion”, Cerulean Gallery, Dallas, TX

2020 “Amarillo Grown”, Cerulean Gallery, Amarillo, TX

2018 “Quintessential Amarillo”, Cerulean Gallery, Amarillo, TX

2017 “Perceptions of War”, Cerulean Gallery, Amarillo, TX

2015 “Unearthed”, Cerulean Gallery, Amarillo, TX

2015 “Radius”, Cerulean Gallery, Amarillo, TX

2010 – 2013 “Friends of Pleiades” Invitational Show, Pleiades Gallery, New York City, New York

2000 – 2014 Panhandle- Plains Historical Museum Invitational Show, Canyon, Texas

2012 Strokes of Genius Exhibition, MFA Circle Gallery, Annapolis, Maryland

2012 BACKLASH-on Women’s Basic Rights and Freedoms, Soho20 Gallery, New York, New York

2006 “Marilyn Laubhan Yanke”, Sunset Art Gallery, Amarillo, Texas

2003 “Canvases in Bloom”, Saks Gallery, Denver, Colorado

1989 – 2002 76th, 78th, 82nd, 83rd, 88th & 89th Annual Allied Artists of America, New York City, New York

1998 – 2000 Oil Painters of America National Show, Washington, DC, Scottsdale, Arizona and Carmel, California

1999 “Marilyn’s Garden”, Saks Gallery, Denver, Colorado

1999 “Auvillar, 1998”, Saks Gallery, Denver, Colorado

1996 “Windows of Life”, Quast Galleries, Taos, New Mexico

1995 “Speaking of Color”, Saks Gallery, Denver, Colorado

1995 “Auvillar, 1994: A Very French Exhibition”, Saks Gallery, Denver, Colorado

1994 “Recent Works”, Greenhouse Gallery, San Antonio, Texas

1994 “Our Women: Women Artists of Quast Galleries”, Quast Galleries, Taos, New Mexico

1993 “Holiday Parade”, featured artist, Greenhouse Gallery, San Antonio, Texas

1990 “Yanke”, Saks Gallery, Denver, Colorado

1998 – 1990 “American Herstory: Women and the US Constitution”, Atlanta, Georgia, travelling show

1988 “60th Grand National Exhibition, American Artists Professional League, New York City, NewTexas



“Best of Flower Painting 2”, Northlight Books, 1999

Taos Magazine, cover and “A Place of Traditional Sensibilities” May/June, 1998

Taos Magazine, “Windows of Life”, January/February, 1996

New York Graphic Society, “Spring Cutting”, 1996

Artist Magazine, “Two Ways to Strengthen a Landscape”, May, 1991



2002 89th Annual Allied Artists of America, New York City, New York, Ethel Gilmore – Charles J. Romans Memorial Award

2001 88th Annual Artists of America, New York City, New York, Art Student’s League Award

2000 9th National Oil Painters of America, Gallery Americana, Carmel, California, Tara/Fredrix Award, Best Still Life

1998 7th National Oil Painters of America, Long Grove, Illinois, Glaser Award

1996 5th National Oil Painters of America, Long Grove, Illinois, Vito Award

1994 3rd National Oil Painters of America, Long Grove, Illinois, Winsor and Newton

1990 77th Annual Allied Artists of America, New York City, New York, Gloria Benson Stacks Award for Southern Artist

1988 60th Grand National Exhibition, American Artist Professional League, New York City, New York, Claude Parsons Memorial Award for Landscape

Professional Memberships

Allied Artists of America Full membership

Oil Painters of America Signature Member

Salmagundi Club Non-Resident Member
