
Jena Rawley Taylor

Dallas and Amarillo Galleries

“Ktizo” is the Greek word for the creation process. It literally means to form, fabricate, or create. If one accepts the concept of spiritual DNA, one is able to grasp one’s own capacity and need to fabricate or form. It is the very nature of God to create. It is simply what He does; and we, as willing participants in the Cosmos, have had the very nature imparted to us. We are “hardwired” as it were with the capability, the desire, indeed the very need to bring into being that which is not. Picasso Said, “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain one once he grows up.” It is not necessary to show a two year old what to do with the lipstick once he has found it. He knows to draw on the wall. The same child picks up a marker and innately heads to the bedspread in order to create. It is as developmentally natural as crawling or walking. Those of us who remain artists once we grow up are the fortunate ones. And those of us who are propelled into the world of abstract expressionism are fortunate indeed. For we are those who witness a tear in the fabric of reality as we know it. Pulling back the fabric we see treasures unspeakable. In the depth of the abstract lie the questions and the answers that huddle deep within each of our own souls. It is here that one is able to communicate one’s own discoveries- insights that are tethered to our hearts like so many beads upon a strand. We all walk on spiritual roads seeking out that which ennobles our lives. But it is the artist, whether pounding on a bolted door, or gazing boldfaced into the eyes of Him who made us who is able to embark, like the two year old, upon the quest.


Bachelor of fine art Texas Tech University 1975
Magna Cum Laude

Bachelor of arts in art education Texas Tech University
1975 Magna Cum Laude

15 Hours of photography Midland College 1993-1995
20 Hours of photography Amarillo College 1996-1999


Texas community college journalism convention 1st place
Photo journalism 1998

Pro Norbis


Creative Workshop Speaker 2002-2003

Wrote curriculum and authored Workbook for workshop on creativity.

Lectured on creative history of civilization,Organization of the brain, educational systems in the west, stages of artistic development in a child, creative blocks, Facilitated hands on learning centers.

Abstract Expressionist 1992-now

Exploring and executing avenues of Abstract expressionism, exhibiting, showing, Marketing work.

Muralist- Faith City Mission 2004
Designing and executing front wall mural Of 8 x 32 feet for chapel.

Muralist- Trinity Church 2002
Designed and executed 12 x 50 foot mural Overseeing a crew of 20.

Muralist- Trinity Church 2000-01
Designed and executed three wall mural in The renaissance genre. Approximately 10 x 60
Feet. Includes over forty figures.

Instructor- Amarillo College 1999
Taught design concepts and wrote Curriculum in advanced black and white Photography. Created slide presentation For each element. Made assignments, and Facilitated critiques.

Watercolor Portrait Painter 1979-Now

Completed over 1,000 portraits. Presently
Employ five artist’s representatives in Texas,New Mexico, and Louisiana. Clients include President Bush’s twin daughters, Neil Patrick Harris, and Congressman Kika De La Garza, who’sPortrait Hangs in the US House of Representatives.

Illustrator 1991-92

Illustrated children’s book Fairy Tea by Annie Ulrich. Published by Windom Books. Lux Votacus, Lux Venite


Cerulean Gallery, Amarillo, Texas
Silvers, Midland, Texas
Signatures, Corpus Christi, Texas
The Colony, Amarillo, Texas
The Foundry, Ruidoso, New Mexico
Imam Gallery, San Angelo, Texas
OHMS, Amarillo, Texas
Finishing Touch, Arlington, Texas
Sycamore Gallery, Mason Michigan
Affirmative, Ruidoso, New Mexico
Charlotte’s, El Paso, Texas
Texas Gallery, Dallas, Texas
Sun Spirit Gallery, Alamogordo, New Mexico
New Orleans Gallery, Ruidoso, New Mexico

Published Works

Fairy Tea by Annie Ulrich, Windom Books 1992
Cover of sidesaddle magazine 1984
Accent West magazine 1998
AC Current magazine 1998
To live a creative life we must lose our fear of being wrong. Joseph Chilton Pearce

One Woman Shows

Roasters, Amarillo, Texas
Midland Theater Center, Midland, Texas
Episcopal Diocese of the Northwest
Roosters, Amarillo Texas
Tom Green Bank, San Angelo, Texas


Amarillo museum of art 2001
Amarillo museum of art 1997
Museum of the southwest, Midland, Texas
Odessa art league, Odessa, Texas 1995
Midland College, Midland, Texas 1994 1995
National cowgirl hall of fame, Hereford, Texas 1988
West Texas A&M University, Canyon, Texas 1982
